Number Names
संख्या – Counting
Prathmic – भाग – 1 बोधिनी (Part – 1 Bodhini)
Hello students, I have shared Number Names (संख्या) Prathmic भाग – 1 (बोधिनी) in Hindi and English.
Counting (गिनती): 1 to 50
Number | Hindi | English |
1 | एक | One |
2 | दो | Two |
3 | तीन | Three |
4 | चार | Four |
5 | पाँच | Five |
6 | छः (छे) | Six |
7 | सात | Seven |
8 | आठ | Eight |
9 | नौ | Nine |
10 | दस | Ten |
11 | ग्यारह | Eleven |
12 | बारह | Twelve |
13 | तेरह | Thirteen |
14 | चौदह | Fourteen |
15 | पन्द्रह | Fifteen |
16 | सोलह | Sixteen |
17 | सत्रह | Seventeen |
18 | अठारह | Eighteen |
19 | उन्नीस | Nineteen |
20 | बीस | Twenty |
21 | इक्कीस | Twenty-One |
22 | बाईस | Twenty-Two |
23 | तेईस | Twenty-Three |
24 | चौबीस | Twenty-Four |
25 | पच्चीस | Twenty-Five |
26 | छब्बीस | Twenty-Six |
27 | सत्ताईस | Twenty-Seven |
28 | अट्ठाईस | Twenty-Eight |
29 | उनतीस | Twenty-Nine |
30 | तीस | Thirty |
31 | इकतीस | Thirty-One |
32 | बत्तीस | Thirty-Two |
33 | तैंतीस | Thirty-Three |
34 | चौंतीस | Thirty-Four |
35 | पैंतीस | Thirty-Five |
36 | छत्तीस | Thirty-Six |
37 | सैंतीस | Thirty-Seven |
38 | अड़तीस | Thirty-Eight |
39 | उनतालीस | Thirty-Nine |
40 | चालीस | Forty |
41 | इकतालीस | Forty-One |
42 | बयालीस | Forty-Two |
43 | तैंतालीस | Forty-Three |
44 | चवालीस | Forty-Four |
45 | पैंतालीस | Forty-Five |
46 | छियालीस | Forty-Six |
47 | सैंतालीस | Forty-Seven |
48 | अड़तालीस | Forty-Eight |
49 | उनचास | Forty-Nine |
50 | पचास | Fifty |
Fractional Numbers (भिन्न संख्या)
Fraction | Hindi | English |
¼ | पाव | Quarter |
½ | आधा | Half |
¾ | पौन | Three Quarters |
1¼ | सवा | One and a Quarter |
1½ | डेढ़ | One and a Half |
1¾ | पौने दो | One and Three Quarters |
2¼ | सवा दो | Two and a Quarter |
2½ | ढाई | Two and a Half |
2¾ | पौने तीन | Two and Three Quarters |
3¼ | सवा तीन | Three and a Quarter |
3½ | साढ़े तीन | Three and a Half |
3¾ | पौने चार | Three and Three Quarters |
4¼ | सवा चार | Four and a Quarter |
4½ | साढ़े चार | Four and a Half |
4¾ | पौने पाँच | Four and Three Quarters |